home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <audio/audiolib.h>
- static char *rcsid = "$Id: nas.c,v 1.4 1996/10/09 21:09:06 david Exp $";
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #define SAMPLE_RATE 8000
- static nasbug = FALSE; /* Debug Flag */
- static sound_enabled = FALSE;
- static AuServer *au_server;
- static AuDeviceID *au_device;
- static AuFlowID au_channel[4];
- static int waveform = AuWaveFormSquare;
- static int au_channel_clock[4] = { 64000, 64000, 64000, 64000 };
- static int M[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
- static int AUDCTL = 0x00;
- static int AUDF[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- static int AUDC[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- void NAS_Initialise (int *argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int i, j;
- for (i=j=1;i<*argc;i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[i],"-sound") == 0)
- sound_enabled = TRUE;
- else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-squarewave") == 0)
- waveform = AuWaveFormSquare;
- else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-sinewave") == 0)
- waveform = AuWaveFormSine;
- else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-nasbug") == 0)
- nasbug = TRUE;
- else
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[i],"-help") == 0)
- {
- printf ("\t-sound Enable NAS sound support\n");
- printf ("\t-squarewave Generate sound with a square wave\n");
- printf ("\t-sinewave Generate sound with a sine wave\n");
- printf ("\t-nasbug Enable debug code in nas.c\n");
- }
- argv[j++] = argv[i];
- }
- }
- *argc = j;
- if (sound_enabled)
- {
- au_server = AuOpenServer (NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
- if (!au_server)
- {
- printf ("Unable to open audio server\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- for (au_device=NULL,i=0;i<AuServerNumDevices(au_server);i++)
- {
- if ((AuDeviceKind(AuServerDevice(au_server,i)) ==
- AuComponentKindPhysicalOutput) &&
- AuDeviceNumTracks(AuServerDevice(au_server,i)) == 1)
- {
- au_device = (AuDeviceID*)AuDeviceIdentifier(AuServerDevice(au_server,i));
- break;
- }
- }
- au_channel[0] = AuCreateFlow (au_server, NULL);
- au_channel[1] = AuCreateFlow (au_server, NULL);
- au_channel[2] = AuCreateFlow (au_server, NULL);
- au_channel[3] = AuCreateFlow (au_server, NULL);
- for (i=0;i<4;i++)
- {
- AuElement elements[3];
- int freq = 0;
- int volume = AuFixedPointFromFraction(0,100);
- AuMakeElementImportWaveForm (&elements[0], SAMPLE_RATE,
- waveform,
- AuUnlimitedSamples,
- freq,
- 0, NULL);
- AuMakeElementMultiplyConstant (&elements[1], 0, volume);
- AuMakeElementExportDevice (&elements[2], 1, (int)au_device, SAMPLE_RATE,
- AuUnlimitedSamples, 0, NULL);
- AuSetElements (au_server, au_channel[i], AuTrue, 3, elements, NULL);
- AuStartFlow (au_server, au_channel[i], NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- void NAS_Exit (void)
- {
- if (sound_enabled)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<4;i++)
- {
- AuStopFlow (au_server, au_channel[i], NULL);
- }
- AuCloseServer (au_server);
- }
- }
- void NAS_SetFrequency (int channel, int frequency)
- {
- if (frequency < 8000)
- {
- static AuElementParameters parms;
- parms.flow = channel;
- parms.element_num = 0;
- parms.num_parameters = AuParmsImportWaveForm;
- parms.parameters[AuParmsImportWaveFormFrequency] = frequency;
- parms.parameters[AuParmsImportWaveFormNumSamples] = AuUnlimitedSamples;
- AuSetElementParameters (au_server, 1, &parms, NULL);
- }
- }
- void NAS_SetVolume (int channel, int volume)
- {
- static AuElementParameters parms;
- parms.flow = channel;
- parms.element_num = 1;
- parms.num_parameters = AuParmsMultiplyConstant;
- parms.parameters[AuParmsMultiplyConstantConstant] = volume;
- AuSetElementParameters (au_server, 1, &parms, NULL);
- }
- static int join12 = FALSE;
- static int join34 = FALSE;
- void NAS_UpdateSound (void)
- {
- if (sound_enabled)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<4;i++)
- {
- int freqtmp;
- int flag = FALSE;
- if ((i < 2) && join12)
- {
- if (i == 1)
- {
- int N = ((AUDF[1] << 8) | AUDF[0]) + M[0];
- if (nasbug)
- printf ("join12: N=%d\n", N);
- freqtmp = au_channel_clock[0] / (N + N);
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else if ((i >= 2) && join34)
- {
- if (i == 3)
- {
- int N = ((AUDF[3] << 8) | AUDF[2]) + M[2];
- if (nasbug)
- printf ("join34: N=%d\n", N);
- freqtmp = au_channel_clock[2] / (N + N);
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int N = AUDF[i] + M[i];
- freqtmp = au_channel_clock[i] / (N + N);
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if (flag)
- {
- int distortion = AUDC[i] & 0xf0;
- int voltmp;
- if ((distortion == 0xa0) || (distortion == 0xd0))
- voltmp = AuFixedPointFromFraction ((AUDC[i] & 0x0f), 30);
- else
- voltmp = AuFixedPointFromFraction (0, 30);
- NAS_SetFrequency (au_channel[i], freqtmp);
- NAS_SetVolume (au_channel[i], voltmp);
- }
- }
- AuFlush (au_server);
- }
- }
- void Atari_AUDC (int channel, int byte)
- {
- AUDC[channel-1] = byte;
- }
- void Atari_AUDF (int channel, int byte)
- {
- AUDF[channel-1] = byte;
- }
- void Atari_AUDCTL (int byte)
- {
- AUDCTL = byte;
- if (byte & 0x01)
- {
- au_channel_clock[0] = 15000;
- au_channel_clock[1] = 15000;
- au_channel_clock[2] = 15000;
- au_channel_clock[3] = 15000;
- }
- else
- {
- au_channel_clock[0] = 64000;
- au_channel_clock[1] = 64000;
- au_channel_clock[2] = 64000;
- au_channel_clock[3] = 64000;
- }
- M[0] = M[1] = M[2] = M[3] = 1;
- join34 = (byte & 0x08) ? TRUE : FALSE; /* Clock channel 4 with channel 3 */
- join12 = (byte & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; /* Clock channel 2 with channel 1 */
- if (byte & 0x20)
- {
- au_channel_clock[2] = 1790000; /* Clock channel 3 with 1.79 MHZ */
- M[2] = (join34) ? 7 : 4;
- }
- if (byte & 0x40)
- {
- au_channel_clock[0] = 1790000; /* Clock channel 1 with 1.79 MHZ */
- M[0] = (join12) ? 7 : 4;
- }
- if (nasbug && (byte & 0xfe))
- printf ("AUDCTL: %02x\n", byte);
- }